In an era of constantly evolving cyber threats and advancing technology, no organization is immune to the risk of a cyber attack. According to recent survey data, 53%…
Whether it be due to a natural disaster, an accident, a fire or any other potential issues, there is always a chance that you may be forced to…
In this month’s newsletter, you will be reading about the types of weather damage that may be covered under your home insurance policy, options you have when insuring…
In this month’s newsletter, you’ll read about maintaining workplace safety through good housekeeping. In addition, you’ll read about safe driving practices for employees.
Thank you Wheeler & Taylor Insurance President Scott Rote (left) and Tom Blauvelt, W&T Operations Manager and Employee Campaign Coordinator (right), for another successful workplace campaign. Wheeler & Taylor’s overall contribution…
The W&T family is in the spirit of the season and one of our favorite times is the annual donation to Marine Corp League Detachment 137 Toys for…
Your eyes are one of the most vulnerable parts of your body, and with all of the possible hazards that exist in the manufacturing industry, it’s very important…
In November’s Safety Focused newsletter, you can learn how to safety and effectively utilize a fire extinguisher, as well as read up on the reality of of work-related…
Wheeler & Taylor was one of only three companies to have 100% participation in the 2018 Berkshire United Way Campaign. Yesterday we kicked off our 2019 Campaign and our…
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